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ARGE Aszmann

The Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Limb Reconstruction

The loss of hand function or a limb presents not only the absence of our most vital tool for creative interaction with our environment but also imposes a profound sensory-motor deficit that challenges our central nervous system. At the Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Limb Reconstruction, our primary mission is to restore function to individuals facing these challenges. Our research efforts encompass enhancing surgical techniques, prosthetic reconstructive options, developing cutting-edge rehabilitation technologies and advancing the biotechnological interface to foster a symbiotic relationship between humanity and technology, recognizing that mastering complex technology can pose significant cognitive challenges. Our research can be divided into two key areas:

  • Basic research is the foundation of the Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction. All along our path to unravel the fundamentals of the neuromuscular system, it helps us to advance existing knowledge, seek promising avenues and arrive at original conclusions that will guide our future clinical decisions.
  • Clinical research is the heart of the Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction. The needs of our patients prompt us to pursue innovative concepts and challenge current paradigms, in order to constantly improve our patient care.

To address these critical challenges, we prioritize interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering partnerships not only with various universities and private entities but also within our own team. Currently, we are collaborating with Imperial College London and the Italian Institute of Technology on the 'Natural Bionics' project, which aims at creating a fully integrated, symbiotic replacement of missing or damaged parts of the human body with artificial limbs that the user will feel and command as a true part of her/his body. Our commitment to advancing bionic limb reconstruction is grounded in our dedication to improving the lives of those affected by limb loss and motor deficits.

At this time 14 PhD candidates are enrolled in our laboratory most of them are related to the program of “clinical neuroscience” (Head Prof. Johannes Hainfellner).